Mon monde parallèle 


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My paralel world

Hello!! This is a What-if website.  
A whatif is a kind of paralel world, in which airplanes like the TSR-2, CF-105 Arrow or Mirage 4000 were not scraped, and produced in huge numbers.  
It's a world were many countries have aircraft carriers (CVA-01, Essex, Clemenceau...)and a manned space program... 
The idea is : take an airplane or any program you like, and invent a (paralel) story to it.  
This webiste is mainly dedicated to French Whatifs 
but also to aircrafts carriers. 
A french mach2 fighter for the Foch and Clemenceau, instead of F8 (FN) Crusaders... (Breguet 1120 Sirocco, 1968 in 11F markings) 


(c) Dupont Jean - Créé à l'aide de Populus.
Modifié en dernier lieu le 28.04.2007
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